Successful projects in more than 10 years
Our data scientists, engineers and analysts have for more than a decade helped our clients identify a plethora of data-based opportunities for solving business challenges.
STACC help the National Heritage Board to estimate the stability of museum objects using artificial intelligence.
Estonia’s Heritage Board is one of the cultural institutions that recognizes the significant benefits of utilizing these AI systems
STACC and Lapponica have developed a powerful bird song recognition application.
We used AI to make X-Road services even better!
How we taught robots to do Chekhov-style theater with the help of AI.
How we improved the overview of the museum’s common repositories.
How we created a solution to help to remove derogatory and inappropriate comments.
AS Estonian Cell is a Kunda-based aspen pulp mill, which started production in April 2006.
STACC turned the data into a consistent and high-quality format that is suitable for research. Through that we helped to increase the quality of research conducted in Estonia.
How we used machine learning and neural networks to build text processing tools that can process multilingual text.