Kukk, K., Kannukene, A., Reisberg, S. How Chronic Diseases Elevate the Risk of Other Chronic Diseases – Method for Discovering Cohort-based Trajectories from OMOP CDM. Observational Health Data Sciences And Informatics (OHDSI)
Konsa, K., Treimann, M.L., Piirisild, K., Koppel, K., Machine Learning Model for the Prediction of Condition of Museum Objects. Volume 14, Issue 4, October-December 2023: 1343-1350. International Journal of Conservation Science.
Uusküla, A., Oja, M., Tamm, S., Tisler, A., Laanpere, M., Padrik, L., Nygard, M., Reisberg, S., Vilo, J., Kolde, R., Prevaccination Prevalence of Type-Specific Human Papillomavirus Infection by Grade of Cervical Cytology in Estonia. JAMA Network Open.
Rosenberg, M., Thetloff, M., Tamm, S., Kuusk, K., Reisberg, S., Vilo, J., Kroonilise neeruhaiguse levimus Eesti e-tervise andmete alusel. Eesti Arst 2023; 102(5):263-276
Vija, A., Alasoo, K. Improved detection of genetic effects on promoter usage with augmented transcript annotations.
Künnapuu, K., Ioannou, S., Ligi, K., Kolde, R., Laur, S., Vilo, J., Rijnbeek, P. R., Reisberg, S., Trajectories: a framework for detecting temporal clinical event sequences from health data standardized to the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model. JAMIA Open, Volume 5, Issue 1, April 2022, ooac021.
Yang, C., Williams, R. D., Swerdel, J. N., Almeida, JR., Brouwer, E.S., Burn, E., Carmona, L., Chatzidionysiou, K., Duarte-Salles, T., Fakhouri, W,, Hottgenroth, A., Development and external validation of prediction models for adverse health outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis: a multinational real-world cohort analysis. InSeminars in arthritis and rheumatism. 2022 Oct 1 (Vol. 56, p. 152050). WB Saunders.
Leitsalu, L., Reigo, A., Palover, M., Nikopensius, T., Läll, K., Krebs, K., Reisberg, S., Mägi, R., Kals, M., Alavere, H., Nõukas, M., Lessons learned during the process of reporting individual genomic results to participants of a population-based biobank. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2022 Oct 3:1-9.
Solvak, M., Vilo, J., Reisberg, S., Tamm, S., Oja, M., Ligi, K., Unt, T., Võrk, A., Leets, P., Kamm, L., Ostrak, A., Kaminaga, H., Siil, T., Tammet, T., Vaarandi, Ri., Programmi RITA tegevuse 1 projekti „Masinõppe ja AI toega teenused“ lõpparuanne
Uusküla, A., Kalda, R., Solvak, M., Jürisson, M., Käärik, M., Fischer, K., Keis, A., Raudvere, U., Vilo, J., Peterson, H., Käärik, E., Metspalu, M., Jürgenson, T., Milani, L., Kolberg, L., Tiit, E.-M., Vassil, K., The 1st year of the COVID-19 epidemic in Estonia: a population-based nationwide sequential/consecutive cross-sectional study.
Public Health Volume 205, April 2022;
Hamid, F., Alasoo, K., Vilo, J., Makeyev, E., Functional Annotation of Custom Transcriptomes. Alternative Splicing. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2537.
Vakarjuk, J., Snetkov, N., Willemson, J., DiLizium., A Two-Party Lattice-Based Signature Scheme, in Entropy 2021, 23(8), 989, MDPI.
Farzaliyev, V., Krips, K., Willemson, J., Developing a Personal Voting Machine for the Estonian Internet Voting System. In Proceedings of the Computer Security track of ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing 2021, pp 1607-1616, ACM 2021.
Jäe, R., MSc, Ravimite täiendavate riskivähendamise meetmete rakendamise analüüsi automatiseerimine.
Perli, M., MSc, “Esindusõpe vabatekstilistel meditsiinilistel andmetel.”
Häelm, I., MSc, Refraktiivsete nägemishäirete ja nendega koosesinevate oftalmoloogiliste haiguste analüüs Eesti Haigekassa raviarvete alusel.
Orula, I. M., MSc, Farmakogeneetilise testi teadmusbaasi loomise protsess.
Luik, T., MSc, Farmakogeneetilise testi kui tarkvaralise meditsiiniseadme disainimine.
Kink, K., MSc, E-kaubanduse toodete klassifitseerimine tekstiliste tootekirjelduste alusel.
Krebs, K., Bovijn, J., Zheng, N., Lepamets, M., Censin, J. C., Jürgenson, T., Särg, D., Abner, E., Laisk, T.,Luo, Y.,Skotte, L.,Geller, F.,Feenstra, B.,Wang, W., Auton, A., 23andMe Research Team, Raychaudhuri, S.,Esko, T., Metspalu, A., Laur, S., Roden, D. M., Wei, W. Q., Holmes, M. V., Lindgren, C. M., Phillips, E. J., Mägi, R., Milani, L., Fadista, J., Genome-wide Study Identifies Association between HLA-B∗55:01 and Self-Reported Penicillin Allergy. The American Journal of Human Genetics.
Voormansik, K., Zalite, K., Sünter, I., Tamm, T., Koppel, K., Verro, T., Brauns, A., Jakovels, D., Praks, J., Separability of Mowing and Ploughing Events on Short Temporal Baseline Sentinel-1 Coherence Time Series. Remote Sensing; 12(22):3784.
Oruaas, M., Willemson, J., Developing requirements for the new encryption mechanisms in the Estonian eID infrastructure
Heiberg, S., Krips, K., Willemson, J., Planning the next steps for Estonian Internet voting
Ruusmann, L., MSc, Comparison of category-level, item-level and general sales forecasting models
Muuli, E., Tõnisson, E., Lepp, M., Luik, P., Palts, T., Suviste, R., Papli, K., Säde, M., Using image recognition to automatically assess programming tasks with graphical output
Mahmoud, N., MSc, Fact Extraction from Medical Text using Neural Networks.
Rebane, B., BSc, Rekurrentsed tehisnärvivõrgud inimeste kliiniliste trajektooride ennustamisel.
Tamm, Sirli; Raie, Evelin; Käär, Ruth; Oja, Marek; Reisberg, Sulev (2020). Coverage of immunization schedule vaccinations among Estonian pre-school children on the basis of Estonian health insurance claims of the 2010 birth cohort. Eesti Arst, 99 (1), 6−15.
Teesaar, E. G., MSc, Clustering Methods for Interpreting Medical Data.
Uusna, K., MSc, Mudelipõhise klasteranalüüsi rakendamine Eesti Haigekassa andmetele.
Õun, J., BSc, Raviarvete tagasilükkamise põhjuste tuvastamine.
James, G., Reisberg, S., Lepik, K., Galwey, N., Avillach, P., Kolberg, L., Mägi, R., Esko, T., Alexander, M., Waterworth, D., Loomis, K., Vilo, J., An exploratory phenome wide association study linking asthma and liver disease genetic variants to electronic health records from the Estonian Biobank.
Krips, K., Willemson, J., Värv, S., Is your vote overheard? A new scalable side-channel attack against paper voting. In 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, June 17-19, 2019, Stockholm, Sweden, IEEE, pp. 621-634
Krips, T., Willemson, J., Unruh, D., PhD, Improving performance of secure real-number operations.
Liivlaid, H., Eigo, N., Reisberg, S. Eriarstiabi haigestumusstatistika võrdlus Tervise Arengu Instituudi ja Eesti Haigekassa andmetel.
Micevska, S., Sakr, S., Vajakas, T., MSc, A Statistical Drift Detection Method.
Reisberg, S. et al. Translating genotype data of 44,000 biobank participants into clinical pharmacogenetic recommendations: challenges and solutions. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326191589_Translating_genotype_data_of_44000_biobank_participants_into_clinical_pharmacogenetic_recommendations_challenges_and_solutions) Genetics in Medicine. 2019 Jun;21(6):1345. – won ICPerMed “Best Practice in Personalised Medicine” Recognition 2019.
Reisberg, S., Galwey, N., Avillach, P., Sahlqvist, A-S., Kolberg, L., Mägi, R., Esko, T., Vilo, J., James, G., Comparison of variation in frequency for SNPs associated with asthma or liver disease between Estonia, HapMap populations and the 1000 genome project populations.
Reisberg, S., Vilo, J., PhD, Developing Computational Solutions for Personalized Medicine.
Semikin, M., Matiisen, T., Bentes, C., MSc, Jointly Tackling User and Item Cold-start with Sequential Contentbased Recommendations.
Simisker, M., Willemson, J., Unruh, D., MSc, Security of Health Information Databases.
Tamm, S., Oja, M., Reisberg, S., MSc, Eesti eelkooliealiste laste terviseseisund ja tervisekäitumine sünnist kuni 7 aastaseks saamiseni 2010. aasta sünnikohordi põhjal Eesti Haigekassa raviarvete alusel.
Teinemaa, I., Dumas, M., Maggi, F.M., PhD, Predictive and prescriptive monitoring of business process outcomes.
Adamson, A., BSc, Meetod tõenäosusliku ravimisoovituse andmiseks osalise geeniinfo põhjal.
Heiberg, S., Kubjas, I., Siim, J., Willemson, J. On Trade-offs of Applying Block Chains for Electronic Voting Bulletin Boards. Accepted to E-Vote-ID 2018.
Kiayias, A., Kuldmaa, A., Lipmaa, H., Siim, J., Zacharias, T. On the Security Properties of e-Voting Bulletin Boards. Accepted to SCN 2018.
Konovalov, D., BSc, 2. tüüpi diabeedi ravijuhise täitmise automaatse hindamise võimalikkuse analüüs Digiloo epikriiside näitel.
Krips, K., Kubjas, I., Willemson, J. An Internet Voting Protocol with Distributed Verification Receipt Generation. Accepted to E-Vote-ID 2018.
Krips, K., Willemson, J., Värv, S. Implementing an audio side channel for paper voting. Accepted to E-Vote-ID 2018.
Liivlaid, H., Reisberg, S., Eigo, N., MSc, Eriarstiabi haigestumusstatistika võrdlus Tervise Arengu Instituudi ja Eesti Haigekassa andmestikes.
Reisberg, S., Krebs, K., Lepamets, M., Kals, M., Mägi, R., Metsalu, K., Lauschke, V. M., Vilo, J., Milani, L. Translating genotype data of 44,000 biobank participants into clinical pharmacogenetic recommendations: challenges and solutions.
Reisberg, S., Metsalu, K., Talvik, H-A., Vilo, J. Poster Mapping phenotype data of a biobank to OMOP common data model. OHDSI-Europe symposium, March 2018.
Zimmermann, M., BSc, II tüüpi diabeedi ravikulude hindamine Eesti Haigekassa eriarstiabi arvete alusel.
Teinemaa, I., Tax, Bentes, C., Automatic Playlist Continuation trough a Composiion of Collaborative Filters. arXiv preprint, August 2018.
Uusna, K., BSc, Statistilise analüüsi rakendamine Eesti Haigekassa raviarvetele.
Fauzi, P., Lipmaa, H., Siim, J., Zając, M. An Efficient Pairing-Based Shuffle Argument. ASIACRYPT 2017: Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2017 pp 97-127.
Kubjas, I., Pikma, T., Willemson, J. Estonian Voting Verification Mechanism Revisited Again. In Proceedings of the Second International Joint Conference E-Vote-ID 2017, Bregenz, Austria, October 24-27, 2017, LNCS, volume 10615, pp. 306-317, Springer 2017.
Kuzmin, V., Fišel, M., Bentes, C., BSc, Item2Vec-based Approach to a Recommender System.
Mooses, K., Oja, M., Reisberg, S., Vilo, J., Kull, M. Validating Fitbit Zip for monitoring physical activity of children in school: a cross-sectional study. Submitted to BMC Public Health.
Morgan, D., Paršovs, A. Using the Estonian Electronic Identity Card for Authentication to a Machine. NordSec 2017: Secure IT Systems pp 175-191, Springer 2017.
Oja, M., Kirm, M., Feldbach, E., PhD, Investigation of nano-size α-and transition alumina by means of VUV and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy.
Salnikov-Tarnovski, N. Deceived by monitoring. JFokus conference, Stockholm, Sweden. 06.-08.02.2017.
Willemson, J. Bits or Paper: which should get to carry your vote? Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier, Volume 38, February 2018, Pages 124-131.
Allikivi, M-L. Clustering-based motif discovery from short peptides. M.Sc. University of Tartu
Leontjeva, A. Combining Static and Dynamic Features for Multivariate Sequence Classification.
Panarin, A. Logs Mining Based Approach to eCommerce Customer Classification. M.Sc. University of Tartu.
Raun, J., Ahas, R., Tiru, M. Measuring tourism destinations using mobile tracking data.
Reisberg, S. Working with digital health data. International conference “Nordic Digital Day 2016”.
Saar, T., Dumas, M., Kaljuve, M., Semenenko, N. Browserbite: cross-browser testing via image processing.
Särg, D. Internetikeele süntaktiline analüüs kitsenduste grammatikaga. MA. University of Tartu.
Teinemaa, I. Predictive Business Process Monitoring with Structured and Unstructured Data.
Toom K., Laud T., Raidvee A., Braschinsky M., Promising Online Tool for Headache Epidemiology: The PRILEVEL Pilot Study. Journal of Neurology and Neurosurgery, 126.
Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Yuan, Y., Smoreda, Z., Raubal, M., Liu, Y., Ziemlicki, C., Zook, M., Tiru, M. Everyday Space-Time Geographies: Using mobile phone based sensor data to monitor urban activity in Harbin. Paris and Tallinn, International Journal of Geographical Information Science 2015.
Allikivi, M-L. Clustering-based motif discovery from short peptides. M.Sc. University of Tartu
Daneshman, M., Aabloo, A., Ozcinar, c., Anbarjafari, G. Real-time, Automatic Shape-Changing Robot Adjustment and Gender Classification. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 1−8.
Daneshmand, M., Aabloo, A., Anbarjafari, G. Size-Dictionary Interpolation for Robot’s Adjustment. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 3, 63-70.
Daneshmand, M., Traumann, A., Anbarjafari, G. 3D Size-Estimation based on the Geodesic Distance Measured by Photogrammetric Scanning Device. 6th Int. Conf. on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano. Switzerland: Hometrica Consulting, 221−231.
Heiberg, S., Parsovs, A., Willemson, J. Log Analysis of Estonian Internet Voting 2013–2014. 5th International Conference on E-Voting and Identity, VoteID 2015, Bern, Switzerland, September 2nd-4th, 2015. Ed. Rolf Haenni, Reto E. Koenig, Douglas Wikström. Springer, 19−34. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 9269).
Kikas, R., Dumas, M., Saabas, A. Explaining International Migration in the Skype Network: The Role of Social Network Features. ACM Workshop on Social Media World Sensors (Sideways@HT 2015). ACM, 17−22.
Krips, T., Willemson, J. Point-counting method for embarrassingly parallel evaluation in secure computation. Foundations & Practice of Security 2015, 25.-29.10.2015, Clermont-Ferrand, France. To be published in volume 9482 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
Kõivumägi, E., Vait, M., Hadachi, A., Singer, G., Vainikko E. Real Time Movement Labeling of Mobile Event Data. Journal of Location Based Services, Editor: Taylor & Francis, 2015.
Panarin, A. Logs Mining Based Approach to eCommerce Customer Classification. M.Sc. University of Tartu.
Pettai, M., Laud, P. Automatic Proofs of Privacy of Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocols Against Active Adversaries. In IEEE 28th Computer Security Foundations Symposium, {CSF} 2015, Verona, Italy, 14-17 July 2015.
Pettai, M., Laud, P. Combining Differential Privacy and Secure Multiparty Computation. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 7.-11.12.2015, pages 421-430.
Raun, J., Ahas, R., Tiru, M. Distinguishing tourism destinations with behavioural data from mobile positioning databases. Annals of Tourism Research.
Rossetti, G., Pappalardo, L., Kikas, R., Pedreschi, D., Giannotti, F., Dumas, M. Community-centric analysis of user engagement in Skype social networks. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2015, Paris, France. Ed. Jian Pei, Fabrizio Silvestri, Jie Tang. ACM, 547−552.
Särg, D. Internetikeele süntaktiline analüüs kitsenduste grammatikaga. MA. University of Tartu.
Teinemaa, I., Leontjeva, A., Dumas, M., Kikas, R. Community-Based Prediction of Activity Change in Skype. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2015, Paris, France. Ed. Jian Pei, Fabrizio Silvestri, Jie Tang. ACM, 73−80.
Traumann, A., Anbarjafari, G., Escalera, S. A new Retexturing Method for Virtual Fitting Room Using Microsoft Kinect 2 Camera. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference. Boston, USA: IEEE, 75−79.
Traumann, A., Daneshmand, M., Escalera, S., Anbarjafari, G. Vision-based Accurate 3D Measurement Using Optical Depth Information. Electronics Letters Journal, 51 (18), 1420−1422.
Verenich, I., Dumas, M., Kikas, R., Melnikov, D. Combining Propensity and Influence Models for Product Adoption Prediction. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM, Paris, France. Ed. Jian Pei, Fabrizio Silvestri, Jie Tang:. ACM, 49−56.
Floreskul, V., Tretyakov, K., Dumas, M. Memory-Efficient Fast Shortest Path Estimation in Large Social Networks. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM’2014), Ann Arbor, MI, USA, June 2014.
Hadachi, A., Batrashev, O., Lind, A., Singer, A., Vainikko, E. Cell phone Subscribers Mobility Prediction Using an Enhance Markov Chain Algorithm. In: Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2014 IEEE: 2014 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium; Dearborn, Michigan, USA; June 8-11, 2014.
Heiberg, S., Willemson, J. Modeling Threats of a Voting Method. Chapter 7 of Dimitrios Zissis and Dimitrios Lekkas (editors) Design, Development, and Use of Secure Electronic Voting Systems, IGI Global, 2014, pages 128-148
Heiberg, S., Willemson, J. Verifiable Internet Voting in Estonia. In: Krimmer, R., Volkamer, M.: Proceedings of Electronic Voting 2014 (EVOTE2014), TUT Press, Tallinn, pages 23-29.
Karsai, M., Iñiguez, G., Kaski, K., Kertész, J. Complex contagion process in spreading of online innovation. Journal of the Royal Society Interface Volume 11, Number 101, 2014.
Krips, T., Willemson, J. Hybrid Model of Fixed and Floating Point Numbers in Secure Multiparty Computations. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2014: 221 (2014).
Laud, P., Pankova, A. Verifiable Computation in Multiparty Protocols with Honest Majority. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2014: 60 (2014).
Pettai, M., Laud, P. Automatic Proofs of Privacy of Secure Multi-Party Computation Protocols Against Active Adversaries. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2014: 240 (2014).
Saar, T., Dumas, M., Kaljuve, M., Semenenko, N. Cross-browser testing in Browserbite. In Proc. of 14th Int. Conf. on Web Engineering, ICWE 2014.
Šor, V. Statistical approach for memory leak detection in Java applications. PhD thesis. University of Tartu.
Šor, V., Srirama, S. N. Memory Leak Detection in Java: Taxonomy and Classification of Approaches. The Journal of Systems & Software (2014) ISSN: 0164-1212, 96(1):139-151, 2014. Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2014.06.005.
Šor, V., Srirama, S. N., Salnikov-Tarnovski, N. Memory leak detection in Plumbr. Journal of Software Practice and Experience, ISSN: 1097-024X, Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/spe.2275.
Teinemaa, I. Community-Based Prediction of Activity Decay in a Social Network. MSc thesis, University of Tartu.
Verenich, I. Prediction of Product Adoption in Social Networks Using the Network Value of Users. MSc thesis, University of Tartu.
Abels, A., Kruusmaa, M. Construction of a Female Shape-Changing Robotic Mannequin. Journal of Automation and Control Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2013.
Abels, A., Kruusmaa, M. Shape Control of an Anthropomorphic Tailoring Robot Mannequin. International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 10, No. 2m June 2013.
Bogdanov, D. Sharemind: programmable secure computations with practical applications. PhD thesis. University of Tartu.
Floreskul, V. Memory-Efficient Fast Shortest Path Distance Estimation in Large Graphs. MSc thesis. University of Tartu.
Freudenthal, M. Simpl: A Toolkit for Domain-Specific Language Development in Enterprise Information Systems. PhD thesis. University of Tartu.
Heiberg, S. New Technologies for Democratic Elections. In: Business Process Management Workshops, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Volume 132, 2013, pp 630-635, Springer 2013.
Kabanov, J. Towards a more productive Java EE ecosystem. PhD thesis. University of Tartu.
Kaljuve, M. Cross-Browser Document Capture System. MSc thesis, Univeristy of Tartu.
Kamm, L., Bogdanov, D., Laur, S., Vilo, J. A new way to protect privacy in large-scale genome-wide association studies. Bioinformatics. First published online Feb. 14, 2013, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btt066.
Kikas, R., Dumas, M., Karsai, M. Bursty egocentric network evolution in Skype. Social Network Analysis and Mining, July 2013.
Kõivumägi, E., Vait, M., Hadachi, A., Singer, G. Real Time Movement Labeling of Mobile Event Streams. Conference presentation at Mobile Ghent ’13.
Laur, S., Talviste, R., Willemson, J. From oblivious AES to efficient and secure database join in the multiparty setting. 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2013), LNCS 7954, pp. 84-101. Springer, 2013.
Leontjeva, A., Goldszmidt, M., Xie, Y., Yu, F., Abadi, M. Early security classification of skype users via machine learning. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM workshop on Artificial intelligence and security (AISec ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 35-44.
Pankova, A. Insecurity of Transformation-Based Privacy-Preserving Linear Programming. MSc thesis, University of Tartu.
Pankova, A., Laud, P. New Attacks against Transformation-Based Privacy-Preserving Linear Programming. Security and Trust Management – 9th International Workshop (STM 2013), Royal Holloway University of London, September 12-13. (Toim.) Accorsi, Rafael; Ranise, Silvio. Springer, 2013, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 8203), 17 – 32.
Pankova, A., Laud, P. On the (Im)possibility of Privately Outsourcing Linear Programming. CCSW 2013: The ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop, Berlin, Germany, November 8th, 2013. (Toim.) Juels, Ari; Parno, Bryan. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) , 2013, 55 – 64.
Pankova, A., Laud, P., Pettai, M., Randmets, J. Specifying Sharemind’s Arithmetic Black Box. PETShop: The Workshop on Language Support for Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Berlin, Germany, November 4th, 2013. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) , 2013, 19 – 21.
Semenenko, N. Accurate diagnosis of cross-browser compatibility issues via machine learning. MSc thesis. University of Tartu.
Semenenko, N., Saar, T., Dumas, M. Browserbite: Accurate Cross-Browser Testing via Machine Learning Over Image Features. In Proc. of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2013 – Industry Track), Eindhoven, The Netherlands. September 2013. IEEE Computer Society.
Sirel, R. Meetodeid tekstide leksikaalsete ja grammatiliste erinevuste tuvastamiseks meditsiiniliste tarbetekstide näitel. Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat, 9, 265 – 278.
Sirel, R., Reisberg, S., Merzin, M., Pruulmann, J., Kalda, R., Vilo, J. Elektrooniliste terviselugude analüüsimise võimalused Tartu perearstide infosüsteemi näitel. Eesti Arst 2013, 92(8), 452-459.
Šor, V., Treier, T., Srirama, S. N. Improving statistical approach for memory leak detection using machine learning. In Proc. of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2013 – Industry Track), Eindhoven, The Netherlands. September 2013. IEEE Computer Society.
Tarkin, K. Possibilities to improve semantic interoperability in medical data exchange in Estonia with Snomed CT: Analysis of discharge summary. MSc thesis, Tallinn University of Technology.
Bogdanov, D., Jagomägis, R., Laur, S. A Universal Toolkit for Cryptographically Secure Privacy-Preserving Data Mining. In Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (PAISI 2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2012, Springer, pp. 112-126.
Bogdanov, D., Niitsoo, M., Toft, T., Willemson, J. High-performance secure multi-party computation for data mining applications. International Journal of Information Security, Springer, 2012, Volume 11, Number 6, pages 403-418.
Bogdanov, D., Talviste, R., Willemson, J. Deploying Secure Multi-Party Computation for Financial Data Analysis. (Short Paper) In Angelos Keromytis, editor, Financial Cryptography and Data Security, LNCS 7397, pp. 57-64. Springer, 2012.
Heiberg, S., Laud, P., Willemson, J. The Application of I-voting for Estonian Parliamentary Elections of 2011. In Aggelos Kiayias and Helger Lipmaa, editors, E-Voting and Identity, VoteID 2011, LNCS 7187, pp. 208-223. Springer, 2012.
Leontjeva, A., Tretjakov, T., Tamkivi, T., Vilo, J. Fraud Detection: Methods of Analysis for Hypergraph Data. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Cyber Security of Online Social Networks (CSOSN 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, August 26-29, 2012.
Mazzucco, M., Dyachuk, D. Balancing electricity bill and performance in server farms with setup costs. Future Generation Computing Systems, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 415-426, 2012.
Mazzucco, M., Dyachuk, D. Optimizing cloud providers revenues via energy efficient server allocation. Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, pp 1–12, Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2012.
Mazzucco, M., Mitrani, I. Empirical Evaluation of Power Saving Policies for Data Centers. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review Volume 40, Number 3, pages 18-22, 2012.
Mazzucco, M., Vasar, M., Dumas, M. Squeezing out the Cloud via Profit-Maximizing Resource Allocation Policies. To appear in the IEEE 20th International Symposium of Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunciation Systems (MASCOTS 2012), Arlington (USA), August 2012.
Melnikov, D. Predicting Paid Service Adoption in a Large Social Network. MSc thesis. University of Tartu.
Merzin, M. Efficient algorithm for Local Area Network topology discovery. MSc thesis. University of Tartu.
Petmanson, T. Pattern-Based Fact Extraction from Estonian Free-Texts. MSc thesis. University of Tartu.
Rebane, R. A Feasibility Analysis of Secure Multiparty Computation Deployments. MSc thesis. University of Tartu.
Sarv, J. Comparative Evaluation of Topological and Demographic Features for Service Adoption Prediction. MSc thesis. University of Tartu.
Šor, V., Srirama, S. N. Evaluation of embeddable graph manipulation libraries in memory constrained environments. In Proc. of the ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium (RACS 2012), Oct. 23-26 2012 San Antonio, TX, USA, pp. 269-275, ACM Press.
Armas-Cervantes, A. Fast Estimation of Shortest Path Distances in Very Large Graphs. MSc thesis. University of Tartu.
Freudenthal, M., Pugal, D. Simpl: a toolkit for rapid DSL implementation. In Proceedings of 12th Symp. on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST 2011), Tallinn, October 2011, pp. 78-89.
Küngas, P., Dumas, M. Configurable SOAP Proxy Cache for Data Provisioning Web Services. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, TaiChung, Taiwan, March 2011. ACM Press.
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